Broadcast Engineering

Video Switchers

Not only do our partners have over 15 years of experience troubleshooting, maintaining, operating, and installing various video switchers like TriCasters, we also have experience building switchers from the ground up.
With thousands of shows under-our-belts, our video switchers focus on reliability, repairability, ease of serviceability, and upgradability - we target a restart time of under 60 seconds for our software-based solutions - that's a quick commercial break!

NDI Solutions

Ready to upgrade your studio to the next generation of broadcast technology? Our partners are Network Device Interface (NDI) experts, adopting it early, and deploying the technology in studios and settings across Nevada, California, Colorado, and beyond! 
Let us show you how NDI can not only make your broadcast operation more efficient and more reliable through affordable cabling and less equipment, but also how it can make your operation more efficient as a whole.

Control Room Design

Whether you're upgrading a control room at a television station, or establishing a new one at a school or sports facility, we have experienced thousands of shows in control rooms and OB vans/trucks of all types. Contact us and let us leverage our diverse experience to help you layout your control room to be as efficient as possible.
Control rooms are a huge investment, so invest in a second opinion and outside perspective. 

OTT Solutions

Over-the-Top (OTT) solutions are our bread and butter - we have extensive experience building and installing the necessary hardware to make your streaming production happen. From lights, computers, and microphones, to bridge servers and more, our team can set you up for success. 
Whether you're streaming the news from your OTT studio or you're a top-100 player in Apex Legends, we're equipped to help you bring your A-game to your online audience.

Remote Productions

Multiple locations? OTT interactions? At-home talent? Talk to us about remote productions! With a hybrid crew - some on location and some in our remote control facility - we can produce cohesive live broadcasts and events in a cost-efficient manner. 
Our partners pioneered remote production technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic; we are proud to continue to develop new techniques and methods to produce live content efficiently, no matter where your locations brings you.

Contact us!

We would love to work with you and help tell your story to the world.


→ +1 (775) 300-9113

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